Consulting services are customized to meet the specific content needs and timeline of each client. Small and large projects, conducted in person and/or electronically, on a tight or an extended timeline are all welcomed. Consulting rates can be based on time and/or project completion. We offer discounted rates for academic settings. Your specific needs should be thoroughly discussed by phone with Ms. Warren before moving forward with a consulting agreement.

While Ms. Warren provides consulting in a variety of areas, she has been particularly active in providing consulting around accreditation. Grounded by her familiarity with accreditation requirements and past experiences in reviewing programs, she confidently evaluates and makes recommendations for improving emerging and existing genetic counseling programs. In addition to clearly documenting how a program meets the current requirements, as a consultant, she can help the program leadership identify their accomplishments and unique strengths, while frankly pointing out their weaknesses and challenges. She can suggest ways to integrate all of these program characteristics into the program’s short term and long term goals.

For more information about Ms. Warren's experience and qualifications for providing accreditation consulting, click here.

"We have much to say about your many talents, wisdom and sensibility. We could never be where we are without all of your assistance."
Dean of a Genetic Counseling Program Institutional Sponsor

"You have always been a role model for me as I've embarked on my journey as program director. I will always hold you in the highest regard."
Genetic Counseling Program Director

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